By Katrina RoeTuesday 1 Oct 2013Hope MorningsParentingReading Time: 1 minute
On those days, it’s easy to feel like a failure as a parent. What should you do in those moments? Dr Justin Coulson is a father of five girls, a parenting author and the founder of
He has some ideas to help you through those tough times.
1. Ask yourself, ‘Is what my child is doing actually naughty, or are they just being a child and it happens to be inconvenient?’ Sometimes we get our knickers in a knot about kids just being kids, Justin says.
2. Try to see the world through their eyes. Sometimes we think they’re seeing the world the way we see it, when they’re not.
3. Remember moods are contagious. Sometimes when we think our kids are being ratty, it’s actually us being grumpy.
4. Give yourself a time out. If you’re not coping, tell your kids, “I’m going to my bedroom and I’m not going to come until I can behave like a responsible adult.”
5. Down Tools. Drop the agenda and spend some time with them. “If the kids are really playing up, typically it’s in response to an unmet need, and the best way that we can meet their needs is to spend time with them,” Justin says.
Audio – Dr Justin Coulson gives great parenting advice
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