The End Is Here. 13 Million Plastic Bags Used Each Day In Australia - Hope 103.2

The End Is Here. 13 Million Plastic Bags Used Each Day In Australia

Until this week, a world without single-use plastic bags seemed unfathomable. But from yesterday, Woolworths removed these from their stores permanently, with Coles and IGA Stores to follow suit from July 1, 2018.

By Sam RobinsonWednesday 20 Jun 2018Hope BreakfastNewsReading Time: 1 minute

Until this week, a world without single-use plastic bags seemed unfathomable. But from today, Woolworths are removing these from their stores permanently, with Coles and IGA Stores to follow suit from July 1, 2018.

Sam and Duncan from Hope Breakfast caught up with Ryan Collins from Planet Ark to find out the difference this change will have on our environment and the ways in which we can continue to make a difference to our environment.