The Best and Worst of Natural Disasters - Hope 103.2

The Best and Worst of Natural Disasters

Is there a gold standard - a best practice for government and communities to follow when responding to natural disasters? Dr George Carayannopoulos has analysed the emergency responses to the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires and the 2011 Queensland floods in his new book Disaster Management in Australia.

By Anne RinaudoSunday 25 Mar 2018Open House InterviewsNewsReading Time: 1 minute

Listen Dr George Carayannopoulos in conversation with Stephen O’Doherty  

Australians take fierce pride in their ability to cope with natural disaster. After all fire, storms and flood are the trials that have forged strong bonds in many communities. In a strange way, we are proud of our ability to overcome the epic events that disrupt our lives.

But is there a gold standard – a best way for government and community to mount a disaster response?

Dr George Carayannopoulos, from the University of Sydney, believes so. An expert in policy development, analysis and evaluation, he is the Head of the Higher Degree Research Administration Centre at the University of Sydney.

He has analysed two recent large-scale natural disasters, the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires and the 2011 Queensland floods, in his new book ‘Disaster Management in Australia’. Dr  Carayannopoulos says one of those was a failed response and the other an example of good practice.



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