By Clare BruceFriday 18 Aug 2017NewsReading Time: 1 minute
The upcoming Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey will take place from September to November. But you’ve only got until 6pm this Thursday, August 24, to check and update your details on the electoral roll.
If you voted in the last election and haven’t moved since then, you won’t need to do anything. But if you’ve moved house since the last elections, you’ll need to update your details with the Australian Electoral Commission.
Also, if you’re 18, 19 or in your 20s and have never voted before, you may never have enrolled. If so, you can Enrol Now. The Australian Electoral Commission says about 14 per cent of 18-to-24-year-olds aren’t enrolled. You must be 18 or over to vote in the Australian Marriage Law Survey.
Hope 103.2 encourages you to ‘Value Your Voice’ in the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey by ensuring your enrolment details are up to date.