How to Avoid Workplace Stress - Hope 103.2

How to Avoid Workplace Stress

We all know how stressful work can be. So, should we just avoid it altogether? The Bible gives a very clear answer to that — no!

By Hope 103.2 NetworkWednesday 8 May 2024LifestyleReading Time: 2 minutes

Recently, I saw a funny post about work on Instagram. It read “How to avoid stress at work: Step one – don’t go to work.”
Key points
  • In our present time, work can be pretty stressful and difficult, but we can look forward to the day when God will make all things new and work will be as satisfying as it was always meant to be. In the meantime, look to love people through your work.

We laugh because we all know how stressful work can be. So, should we just avoid it altogether? The Bible gives a very clear answer to that — no!

Work was originally a good thing given to us by God; and sometimes, we still get moments of deep satisfaction in it.

But often, well, it’s pretty stressful and difficult. But rather than giving up on work, the Bible says we should look forward to the time when God makes all things new; when there will be no more groaning and toil in our work.

In the meantime, we should get about loving people through our work.

In my experience, doing that goes a long way to making it less stressful.

Listen to this episode of God in 60 Seconds.


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Article supplied with thanks to City Bible Forum. Andrew Laird works for City Bible Forum in Melbourne and directs Life@Work – an initiative linking our Christian faith with our daily work. He is the author of Under Pressure: How the Gospel Helps us Handle the Pressures of Daily Work.

Feature image: Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash