Why You Should Make Mum a Cup of Tea This Mother’s Day - Hope 103.2

Why You Should Make Mum a Cup of Tea This Mother’s Day

While coffee is often consumed ‘on the go’, tea is a drink that requires you to stop for a moment. It’s a drink to share with those we love. And it’s often seen as a source of calm in times of trouble. So many reasons to stop and have a cup.

By Katrina RoeThursday 3 May 2018Hope MorningsLifestyleReading Time: 3 minutes

Listen: Katrina Roe and Anouska Jones sit down together and chat over a cuppa.

Every day around the world six billion cups of tea are drunk. But it’s who we share our tea with that makes it meaningful. 

While coffee is often consumed ‘on the go’, tea is a drink that requires you to stop for a moment.  It’s a drink to share with those we love.  And it’s often seen as a source of calm in times of trouble.  The Philosopher Bernard-Paul Heroux said, “There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea.”

It was actually a bad week that inspired author Anouska Jones to create her book, Happiness is a Red Teapot.

“‘It crosses all cultures.  It crosses all religions.  It’s one of those common denominators that unites human kind.”

“I was sitting at the kitchen table with my husband complaining about the horrible week we were having,” she said. “Our car had blown a head gasket, our dog was at the vets, a whole load of other things had gone wrong.  And he said, ‘Look, I’ll make a cup of tea.’  And then he put the teapot – and our teapot is red – he put the teapot down on the table in front of me and said, ‘Stop complaining.  Life’s not all that bad.  You can only be happy when you’ve got a red teapot.’  And that’s what triggered the whole idea for the book.”

While it was her husband who inspired the book, Anouska says nobody can beat her mother’s cup of tea.

“She just makes the best tea.  From all the times growing up that I’d sit at the table and say, ’Oh I’ve had a bad day’ and Mum would just sit and listen and make a cup of tea.  She nailed it.  She’s the tea queen for me.”

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According to Anouska, tea has many health benefits:  “Green tea in particular is a huge source of antioxidants, which is great for anti-ageing.  It’s been shown in various studies to lessen your risk of heart attack and stroke, improve stamina and muscle endurance.  It’s really good for your bones.  Particularly green tea can boost your immune system.  It really is a healthy drink.”

But it’s the calming ritual of making tea that also brings comfort.

“That might also contribute to the perceived health benefits of tea, because it is seen to be the relaxing drink.  You take time out to pause and with that probably comes stress relieving benefits as well.

“‘It crosses all cultures.  It crosses all religions.  It’s one of those common denominators that unites human kind.”

Happiness is a Red Teapot - Book Cover

Famous Quotes about Tea

You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me. ~ CS Lewis

The most trying hours in life are between four o clock and the evening meal.  A cup of tea at this time adds a lot of comfort and happiness. ~ Royal S Copeland

I got nasty habits; I take tea at three. ~ Mick Jagger

Tea makes everything better. ~ Bindi Irwin

I was always brought up to have a cup of tea at halfway up a rock face. ~ Bear Gryls

‘There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea. ~ Bernard-Paul Heroux