Hope Mornings helps restore memories lost

Hope Mornings helps restore memories lost

Last week Hope Mornings talked to Blue Mountains Youthworker, Joel Hollier, who lost his home in the devastating fires.When we asked Joel what he was grieving most he said:  “In some ways it’s just stuff, but on the other side there are so many memories attached to them.  That’s the upsetting part, because we know […]

By Katrina RoeTuesday 29 Oct 2013Hope MorningsGood NewsReading Time: 2 minutes

Last week Hope Mornings talked to Blue Mountains Youthworker, Joel Hollier, who lost his home in the devastating fires.

Hope Mornings helps residnet Joel Hollier get back some memories

When we asked Joel what he was grieving most he said:  “In some ways it’s just stuff, but on the other side there are so many memories attached to them.  That’s the upsetting part, because we know that those memories will fade.” 

“You think of one thing and that hurts and then half an hour later you think of another thing.  Looking at all the photos on the walls is something I’ll miss immensely.  Ones of us as kids that we didn’t have the negatives of.   Also lots of momentos from overseas travels and family holidays, they’re totally irreplaceable.  They’re gone.”

After hearing about Joel’s loss, the Hope 103.2 team wanted to do something to help.  While we can’t give Joel back his precious photos or his treasured memories, we can help Joel and his family create some new ones. 

So we talked to our friends, David and Naomi from Sheer Image Photography who generously provided Joel’s family with a Family Portrait Shoot, so they will have something to put on the walls when they eventually move into their new house. 

The gift includes a 90 minute shoot on location anywhere in Sydney or The Blue Mountains, PLUS 3 framed enlargements, and every photograph from the session in full resolution on disc. 

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A big thank you to our friends at Sheer Image Photography.

Listen Now – Joel reacts to this special gift.


Listen Now – Take a moment to reflect back on the week of the Blue Mountains bushfires.