For most, getting a handle on your finances is simply about improving your lifestyle.
Leading Australian finance commentator and author of Ditch the Debt and Get Rich Effie Zahos spoke to Hope 103.2 about the importance of financial literacy.
And, while her book title talks about “getting rich” it’s really about being able to control your money and not always feeling two steps behind.
“Save little, save often,” – finance editor, commentator and financial literacy campaigner Effie Zahos
Listen to the advice shares with Ray Kington in the player above.
Source: Supplied
Featured image: Effie Zahos with Australian TV/radio presenter and financial analyst Paul Clitheroe / Effie Zahos Facebook
Get Smarter About How You Handle Your Money – Leading Financial Commentator Tips
While Effie Zahos' book talks about "getting rich" it’s really about being able to control your money and not always feeling two steps behind.
Get Smarter About How You Handle Your Money – Leading Financial Commentator Tips
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Listen: Australian finance commentator and author Effie Zahos on being the "best financial version of yourself"
By Hope 103.2Wednesday 3 Feb 2021Hope DriveFinance and BusinessReading Time: 1 minute
For most, getting a handle on your finances is simply about improving your lifestyle.
Leading Australian finance commentator and author of Ditch the Debt and Get Rich Effie Zahos spoke to Hope 103.2 about the importance of financial literacy.
And, while her book title talks about “getting rich” it’s really about being able to control your money and not always feeling two steps behind.
Listen to the advice shares with Ray Kington in the player above.
Source: Supplied
Featured image: Effie Zahos with Australian TV/radio presenter and financial analyst Paul Clitheroe / Effie Zahos Facebook
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