By David ReayFriday 27 Jan 2023LifeWords DevotionalsDevotionsReading Time: 2 minutes
There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit is the source of them all. There are different kinds of service, but we serve the same Lord. God works in different ways, but it is the same God who does the work in all of us. (NLT)
So much has been written about the so-called gifts of the Spirit. We can tie ourselves into knots by trying to figure out their precise definition. We can spend lots of time trying to figure out what gift or gifts we have and what we don’t have. And because it is hard to define the gifts, the search for what gifts we might have is, to say the least, a challenge.
We have enough complexities in life without adding another lot to the list. At the risk of over simplification, it might be helpful to see the gifts as God giving us the tools to do the job he wants us to do. In no way are the gifts listed in the Bible exhaustive. They are examples of certain tools we are given to do certain jobs.
Today I might be equipped to do one task. Tomorrow, another task. And so my “gift” might change with the circumstances. I don’t so much possess a gift, but am given it when and if required. So, we don’t categorise ourselves. We do whatever is needed and are assured we are given what will enable us to do the task.
We are rightly afraid of being given a job that is beyond us. That won’t happen when we volunteer to serve God and his people. Our God does not give us a job to do without also giving us the means to accomplish it.
After an inspirational run on Hope 103.2, Lifewords with David Reay will be delivering its final reflection on Friday 27 January. But, great news, David contributes to Real Hope devotions along with a variety of other deep faith thinkers that will be delivered straight to your inbox from Monday 30 January – so you won’t have to skip a devotional beat! If you prefer an audio version, we also have Real Hope – The Podcast.