The Good Old Days — A LifeWords Devotion - Hope 103.2

The Good Old Days — A LifeWords Devotion

The writer C. S. Lewis once said that the one prayer God will not grant is the one that features just one word, “encore”.

By David ReayWednesday 9 Feb 2022LifeWords DevotionalsDevotionsReading Time: 2 minutes

The writer C. S. Lewis once said that the one prayer God will not grant is the one that features just one word, “encore”. He was expressing the fact that God is not in the business of repeating the specific blessings of yesterday as a result of our nostalgic yearning for them.

The golden moments we have experienced in the past will serve as encouraging and delightful memories. But once we insist God repeat them in detail, we are causing a couple of problems. One is that we may miss out on the new things God has in store for us today. Focussing on yesterday can mean neglect of today. God stands ready to bless us, but not usually in exactly the same form as has happened before.

And the other problem is that which is hinted at in our passage today. Having been desperate to escape from Egypt, the people in the wilderness want to go back. They are guilty of creating a golden glow around their past, forgetting the oppression that was also their experience.

We too can look back fondly on the good old days, perhaps forgetting that not all was good. Or that what might have been good for us was not so good for others. Many of us can remember with fondness our childhood and youth experiences. But not all was rosy in the garden if we are honest. Those good old days were not all good.

