By David ReayFriday 22 Jul 2022LifeWords DevotionalsDevotionsReading Time: 2 minutes
The Lord detests the use of dishonest scales, but he delights in accurate weights. (NLT)
It seems a bit surprising when amidst the vast scope of the biblical revelation of God that we come across a text concerning accurate weights and measurements. The fact that we do have such verses in our Bible reminds us of two related things.
One is that honesty matters. God is a truthful God, not out to deceive us or lead us astray. Cheating and lying are foreign to his character and should therefore be foreign to our conduct. Elsewhere the Bible tells us that we are to be truthful people because we live in relationship with other people. Healthy relationships cannot be sustained if those to whom we relate cannot be trusted.
The other matter is that honesty matters in the most mundane of circumstances. Business and commerce are not outside the scope of God’s commands. It is sad to hear of Christians who are so strong on matters of personal morality in some areas yet think nothing of cutting corners when it comes to matters of business and trading.
The same God who hates adultery also hates price gouging. The same God who warns against murder also warns against exploiting employees and customers. He is not selective when it comes to godly standards, nor should we be. True, we may feel led to campaign particularly against certain social problems: we can’t be activists for each and every cause.
But never forget that our lives are to reflect, imperfectly, the character of God. Morality is not confined to those things we feel more strongly about.