The Head and the Heart — A LifeWords Devotion - Hope 103.2

The Head and the Heart — A LifeWords Devotion

Those who follow Jesus need not be ashamed of their faith. It is opposed and misunderstood, but it is a credible and defensible faith.

By David ReayMonday 15 Feb 2021LifeWords DevotionalsDevotionsReading Time: 2 minutes

1 Corinthians 1:20-21

For consider, what have the philosopher, the writer and the critic of this world to show for all their wisdom? Has not God made the wisdom of this world look foolish? for it was after the world in its wisdom failed to know God, that he in his wisdom chose to save all who would believe by the “simple-mindedness” of the Gospel message.  (JBP)

It is so sad to hear that some people think that becoming a Christian means kissing your brains goodbye. We make a leap of faith and take hold of something irrational. This ignores the fact that many highly intelligent people embrace the faith without compromising their intellectual integrity. And it also ignores the fact that the Christian worldview makes a lot of sense. It explains what is good in the world and in us, and what is not so good.

And yet it is not entirely a matter of reason. We can’t just argue someone into faith. We can provide reasonable explanations for things like the creation of the world by a personal God, and the resurrection of Jesus. But we can’t “prove” such things the same way some scientific or mathematical data can be “proved”.

In other words, we do have to take a step of faith. But the step is not some irrational blind leap into the dark. There are mysteries and ambiguities, but these are common to any faith or any worldview. We don’t know everything but we can know enough to make a thought out, responsible decision.

Those who follow Jesus need not be ashamed of their faith. It is opposed and misunderstood, but it is a credible and defensible faith. It is not just a matter of reason, but it is reasonable. Many of us who have not left their brains behind reckon it makes good sense.

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