By David ReayMonday 28 Jun 2021LifeWords DevotionalsDevotionsReading Time: 2 minutes
Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good! And evening passed and morning came, marking the sixth day. (NLT)
We are all aware of just how imperfect our world is, and how this reflects the imperfections of we who live in it. There is too much injustice and poverty and misery and sorrow and tragedy to get all sentimental about the planet on which we live. Our lives may just at this moment be fairly settled and serene, but we can’t be blind and deaf to what is outside our bubble of contentment and gratitude.
However, neither can we forget that our world is not evil or bad in itself. As we have noted, there can be much in it to bring us joy and thanksgiving. And since God made it, we can’t see it all as a mistake and a lost cause. Our world is a good thing spoilt. God made it very good, as you would expect of a very good God. We messed it up.
So we avoid the extremes which may minimise or ignore what is wrong, and those which dismiss the residual goodness inherent in the world. One extreme turns a blind eye to what is not good. The other extreme focuses so much on what is not good that it turns a blind eye to what remains good.
Take time to imagine how God was feeling when he made the world. Seeing something come out of nothing in pristine perfection. God would have felt joy. And then he decided to make us. And that put an end to the pristine perfection!