By David ReayFriday 31 Jan 2020LifeWords DevotionalsDevotionsReading Time: 1 minute
The Sovereign Lord is my strength!
He makes me as surefooted as a deer,
able to tread upon the heights. (NLT)
If you have ever seen mountain goats in a zoo or in the wild, you might wonder at their ability to be seemingly at home in precarious places. Apparently they have the capacity to maintain their foothold in a way other creatures, including humans, would not find possible.
Our text today reminds us that those who trust in God are given the ability to be secure even in seemingly dangerous situations. When things are going well and no problems seem to cloud the horizon, we may feel we can get by with our own resources. Who needs divine help when human power can sustain us?
But when things turn against us we recognise how much we need divine help. God will sometimes have us live on the edge of a cliff, in imminent danger, in precarious circumstances. We would like it not to be so, but this is the nature of life this side of heaven.
God does at times step in to rescue us from such situations. But at other times he allows us to stay in them and at the same time give us sure footholds so we don’t stumble to disaster. There are times in life when we feel like comfortable, well fed and well pastured sheep. There are other times when we are more like mountain goats.