Irons In the Fire — A LifeWords Devotion - Hope 103.2

Irons In the Fire — A LifeWords Devotion

Being selfless does not mean neglect of self. We cannot give what we have not received. I cannot care for others unless I am also caring for myself.

By David ReayTuesday 31 Mar 2020LifeWords DevotionalsDevotionsReading Time: 1 minute

Romans 12:11

Let us not allow slackness to spoil our work and let us keep the fires of the spirit burning, as we do our work for God. (JBP)

There is no point in having many irons in the fire if the fire is going out. We can be very busy in God’s work, sometimes boasting about how busy we are. We may even be tempted to confuse activity with achievement.

Such misunderstanding might mean we risk running on empty. In our proper desire to advance the cause of Jesus and to care for others, we may neglect our own spiritual health and find that one day we collapse in a dry heap. We would have given out so much more than we have taken in.

For some, their work for Jesus and the church has become burdensome or mere drudgery. They go through the motions, dutifully doing what needs to be done but without any sort of fire within that motivates and empowers. It is not meant to be like this.

The fires of the Spirit have to keep glowing ember like in us even if they are not always aflame with overwhelming enthusiasm. Being selfless does not mean neglect of self. We cannot give what we have not received. I cannot care for others unless I am also caring for myself.
