Why Baptist, Catholic and Uniting Churches in Blue Mountains Have Teamed Up - Hope 103.2

Why Baptist, Catholic and Uniting Churches in Blue Mountains Have Teamed Up

What happens when leaders from Uniting, Catholic and Baptist communities come together to pursue unity in the name of Jesus?

Listen: Three church leaders in Glenbrook, NSW, tell Ben McEachen about the joy of joining together

By Ben McEachenThursday 28 Apr 2022Hope MorningsChristian LivingReading Time: 1 minute

Unity is at the heart of the gospel and its implications for how we live with God and with each other (see Ephesians 2:11-22, Romans 1:16-17, Galatians 3:28).

Sadly, though, often we don’t see unity. That’s just not in the war zones overseas or social media battlegrounds.

Lack of unity can be disappointingly common among Christians, too. Perhaps you have witnessed this or even been part of divisions and lack of connection?

In the lower Blue Mountains village of Glenbrook in New South Wales, three local churches have gone the other way.

This year, Glenbrook’s Uniting Church, Catholic Church and Baptist Church have brought their congregations together to unite in following Jesus and living that out together.

Hope Mornings caught up with Ellie Elia (Uniting), Joseph Lam (Catholic) and Adrian Buggs (Baptist) to learn more about this excellent project of unity.

Why did they do it? When do they meet? What does the local community think of Christians actually meeting up together?

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Ellie, Joe and Adrian revealed all to Hope Mornings.

Listen to the full interview with Ellie, Joe and Adrian in the player above.