Street Pastors helping troubled young people

Street Pastors helping troubled young people

Like many of the world’s big cities, London has more than its fair share of crime problems. On any given Friday or Saturday night, drug abuse, alcohol-fuelled violence and gang warfare are par for the course; shootings and homicide are all too frequent.But an amazing initiative run by Christians is making a big difference, it’s […]

By Hope 103.2Monday 14 Sep 2009Christian LivingReading Time: 1 minute

Like many of the world’s big cities, London has more than its fair share of crime problems. On any given Friday or Saturday night, drug abuse, alcohol-fuelled violence and gang warfare are par for the course; shootings and homicide are all too frequent.

But an amazing initiative run by Christians is making a big difference, it’s called Street Pastors. Volunteers in bright blue jackets patrolling the city streets through the night. They offer a listening ear; they defuse violence; they befriend, talk and pray with some of the city’s most troubled young people.

In six years the initiative has spread across the UK; it’s been endorsed by Scotland Yard and by Prince Charles and it’s caused crime levels to drop.