Exclusive: Leighton Ford Interview

Leighton Ford talks about listening to God through lifes seasons

Leighton Ford has lived a remarkable life. 30 years spent preaching with Billy Graham, he’s led many to a personal faith in Christ, mentored hundreds of young leaders, and now, at 79, devotes his time to prayer, writing and one-to-one counsel.His new book is called The Attentive Life and is reflective guide on listening to God […]

By Hope 103.2Monday 4 May 2009Christian LivingReading Time: 1 minute

Leighton Ford has lived a remarkable life. 30 years spent preaching with Billy Graham, he’s led many to a personal faith in Christ, mentored hundreds of young leaders, and now, at 79, devotes his time to prayer, writing and one-to-one counsel.

His new book is called The Attentive Life and is reflective guide on listening to God in the various seasons of life. Leighton structures it around what’s known as the Benedictine Hours – a guide to prayer which became a daily ritual for many through the centuries, and still remains for some in monastic life.

The idea is to pause at those 6 or 7 moments during the day and pray. The hours have Latin names (Lauds, Prime, Vespers, Compline etc), but we might simplify those for our discussion, because while the Hours can be used as a daily prayer pattern, Leighton has used it metaphorically as a way to view the seasons of our life.