Ethics and Medicine - The Christian Dilemma

Ethics and Medicine – The Christian Dilemma

As our medical breakthroughs get more and more advanced, our need for ethics becomes more and more important. Should parents select the embryo that will produce a child that provides the necessary blood transfusion for their sick firstborn?  The technology is there, but the decision rests on ethics. What about sex selection, embryonic stem cell […]

By Hope 103.2Monday 7 Sep 2009Christian LivingReading Time: 1 minute

As our medical breakthroughs get more and more advanced, our need for ethics becomes more and more important. Should parents select the embryo that will produce a child that provides the necessary blood transfusion for their sick firstborn?  The technology is there, but the decision rests on ethics. What about sex selection, embryonic stem cell therapy, therapeutic cloning of embryos?

Then there’s a raft of non-technology related medical dilemmas. When do you turn the life-support system off? What about euthanasia, or refusing food, like the recent case of Christian Rossiter in WA?

Dr John Wyatt is Professor of Ethics & Peri-natology at University College, London. His focus is the ethics of medical technologies and practice, and his book Matters of Life and Death is a highly-regarded text in the field. He explores these dilemmas from a Christian faith position.

Listen Now – John Wyatt talks about medical ethics