By Chris WittsMonday 18 Mar 2024Morning Devotions with Chris WittsFaithReading Time: 1 minute
I’m sure that each person on Earth wants to have a pleasant and fulfilling life. No one that I know wants to be miserable and unhappy. You can be fulfilled in a variety of ways. And even while life doesn’t always provide pleasant experiences for you, you have the option to find fulfilment and purpose. That’s an empowering experience. And if you can learn to broaden your view, change the way you think it’s always possible to discover significance in your life.
I know some people who are very negative. They’re always looking on the gloomy side of life. It’s important to keep your life in focus, searching for the things that excite and motivate you. Being satisfied is an amazing sensation, but sadly, many people struggle to experience that. On the surface, the idea of fulfilment seems simple. The Cambridge Dictionary defines fulfilled as ‘feeling happy because you’re getting everything that you want from life‘. Unfortunately, we all too often spend our time pining over what might have been or worrying what’s going to come.
Are you searching for meaning and fulfilment in your life? Some people strive for more recognition. A bigger house, a better job. But none of these things are going to satisfy a certain hollowness in your spirit, the only remedy for emptiness of the soul is an abiding faith in God. Humans have always been searching for meaning and purpose in life, so it can be hard to understand and find it. You may have asked yourself, ‘why does everyone else have their life figured out?’ And ‘how do I get rid of this feeling of confusion and worry about my future?’ They can be scary questions.
The best way to find fulfilment is through religion and faith
Faith gives us reasons to be grateful because we can see the amazing blessing the Lord has given us. We learn we’ve got a path for our lives. We’re not alone in this universe without faith. We’re like lost people that have no meaning or purpose. So many feel they are totally alone. The Christian faith teaches us that God has a plan for our lives. He’s made each of us for a reason, and understanding all these concepts helps us to set a framework to find a reason for living.
Giving gratitude and lots of it will help us feel more fulfilled. And when we share love and gratitude, we’re left with this overwhelming feeling of abundance and happiness. Through our faith, we are taught to take the time to remember how blessed we really are. And even when we don’t feel blessed, faith can show us all the reasons that we should keep talking with God, thanking him for what we have. These things give us the power to appreciate each day. Without faith, we can feel the world just hasn’t given us what we deserve.
We’ve got no reason to be thankful. We start to see that there has to be a reason for everything. Even though we may not fully understand it, life makes sense as a committed Christian. From our standpoint, we can’t really see the big picture of things. We often don’t know why things happen the way they do or the timing. But through faith, we can see that there is always a reason behind every circumstance in our life. Why? Because we know that God has created us and has a plan, and when we don’t have faith in our lives, we can believe that life is only one problem after the other. Through faith, when we question the world and ask, ‘Why is this happening to me?‘ We can turn to God and find peace.
We are more fulfilled and happier because we can give up the belief that the world is out to get us. There’s no need to carry that load of resentment each day. God gives us a purpose every day. We know we’re not alone in the world because we have God by our side. One of the most comforting things that faith can provide us.
Our faith teaches us that God loves us even more than we love ourselves and that he wants us to live full and happy lives. We’ll have a more positive outlook knowing that we have a way to continue our lives when we leave the world. We have Jesus in heaven waiting for us to come home to him. So without faith, we would feel abandoned and that we might have to fend for ourselves on Earth. As Christians, we learn that God has a plan for our lives and he has a goal for each of us.
Let’s Pray
Heavenly Father, we do need to know how to lead a fulfilling life not through things or other people, but through having an intimate knowledge of you as our Lord and Saviour. Help me today to grow in that understanding because I ask it in the name of Jesus. Amen.