By Chris WittsMonday 12 Aug 2024Morning Devotions with Chris WittsFaithReading Time: 1 minute
Have you ever said a harsh word in the heat of the moment that made the situation worse? I think we’ve all been there. We tend to get upset and say the first thing that we feel which isn’t always the kindest choice of words. Have you ever said something to a friend or member of the family that cuts like a knife? Was it on purpose, or did it just slip out by?
Did you know it was wrong before you even finished your sentence? While we might try to justify our words or apologise with a promise like I didn’t mean it all – it was a mistake. The words do hurt. Your words are remembered. An average person speaks about 5000 to 10,000 words every day. Communication is the key to relationships, and the most used method of communication is words.
The severity of our words
We communicate with our family, friends, neighbours, colleagues and with many others. On any given day, it’s interesting that relationships can be built up or broken down, depending on the words we speak. And on our journey through life, we will definitely go through harsh circumstances.
Some words stay with us forever, like worthless, stupid. You’re a good for nothing or you’re ugly. These have weighty and far reaching consequences on us. Perhaps you know the story of Karen Carpenter. Karen was part of the duo the Carpenters, and they had many hit records.
And Karen died unexpectedly of heart failure aged 32 brought on by years of self-abuse from the eating disorder anorexia nervosa, what brought on her obsession with weight control? One American newspaper reported that it all began when a reporter once called her Richard’s chubby sister. Unkind words go deep and sometimes with tragic circumstances. Our unthinking and harsh words can be a big mistake.
Unhelpful words vs words of encouragement
One word of gossip can move faster than a forest fire. Hillary Clinton tells the story of her father, who rarely encouraged her as a child in high school. One day she brought home a straight report card. She had done very well in all the subjects, and she showed it proudly to her father, hoping for some affirmation. And all he said was, ‘you must be attending an easy school.’ One of the greatest scientists of all time, Albert Einstein, didn’t have a rosy walk to stardom. He had the most damning report from the same people who were entrusted to build him up. He was unable to talk until he was aged four, and even when he started talking, he was incoherent in his speech. When the professor who revolutionised physics with his general theory of relativity was 16 years of age back in 1895, his Munich schoolmaster wrote in Albert Einstein’s report, he will never amount to anything.
And Einstein’s father, Herman Einstein, even took the courage to challenge the teacher to reverse his verdict. When the teacher looked straight into his eyes and said, ‘it doesn’t matter what he does, he will never amount to anything.’ But within 10 years of this woefully inaccurate prediction, Albert’s colossal intellect was already beginning to unlock the secrets of the universe. And, of course, he became the foremost mind of the 20th century.
What The Bible says about words
In the Old Testament, in the Bible, we read a verse from Proverbs 12:18 – The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing – and another verse, Proverbs 15:1 says a gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. We need to remember these words from God’s word when we speak, are we aware of what we’re saying? Because God hears what we say. God is with us all the time, who listens to our conversations. We should ask him to give us the words that are helpful and appropriate words that hit the mark, words that will bring joy and peace, pleasure and direction in the lives of others.
We need to slow down and stop reacting to harsh words. In fact, the Bible explains better than anyone in Proverbs 25:11 – The right word at the right time is like precious gold set in silver. The late Bishop Fulton Sheen said, patience is power. Patience is not an absence of action. Rather, it’s timing. It waits on the right time to act for the right principle and in the right way. May we extend forgiveness to those who have carelessly spoken a rash word that caused us pain. Ask God that the Holy Spirit will transform our rash words into words that are full of wisdom today.
Let’s Pray
Heavenly Father, I acknowledge the harsh and hasty words that I’ve spoken. Many Lord that have been inappropriate and done harm to others. Keep a guard on my mouth and on my tongue so that the words I speak will be for your glory alone. Amen.