Danny's Different Way to do Church in a Western Sydney Cafe - Hope 103.2

Danny’s Different Way to do Church in a Western Sydney Cafe

Helping your community get to know Jesus better can take many forms. Check out how Danny Brock is doing it in Sydney's suburbs.

Listen: Danny Brock tells Ben McEachen about how he treats his community like a congregation.

By Ben McEachenTuesday 18 Jan 2022Hope AfternoonsFaithReading Time: 1 minute

“We’re planting a church so we’re just trying to do something a little bit different, so I hang out in the community.”

Danny Brock is on the phone from his local cafe in Glenmore Park, Western Sydney.

Danny is what you’d call a Cheers-like regular. Remember the TV sitcom Cheers? A place where everybody knows your name and, when a regular enters, everyone calls out to them.

Church planter and minister Danny has that sort of rapport with the cafe he spends a lot of time at.

But as he told Hope Afternoons, he is not trying to plant a church in the cafe, so what exactly is Danny doing for his cafe and community? And how does it get back to what he said is his main game – serving people and helping them follow Jesus?

Listen to the full interview with Danny Brock in the player above. 

Feature image: Janaya Dasiuk on Unsplash 

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