Coping With Change — Morning Devotions - Hope 103.2

Coping With Change — Morning Devotions

We often want to avoid change because we tend to focus more on what we've lost, rather than on what we gain. But change is vital for growth.

By Chris WittsSaturday 12 Nov 2022Morning Devotions with Chris WittsFaithReading Time: 1 minute

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It was the neuropsychologist, Sanam Hafeez who said The more you do something, the more ingrained it becomes in the neural pathways, much like a computer that stores the sites you visit. Changes causes an upheaval of many things, and the brain has to work to fit it into an existing framework.

Well, with that kind of thing no wonder we procrastinate, for we dislike change because we associate change with the loss of things we like. Now, Dr Hafeez says, you absolutely can and should teach your brain to change. It may not be easy, but it is possible. Change is everywhere all around us and often change brings inevitable events, which we may not want to encounter. Just as you get used to one way of life, everything changes again.

You may have experienced change in your work situation, home life or social life, and that may have been due to the Covid-19 pandemic or some other reason. You may not be able to control the situation that causes a sudden change in your life like illness or sickness, but you can always control your response on how you view change. The older you get, the more changes there are, or so it seems now, changes in every area of our lives are inevitable. It means we’re fearful about the outcome of change. I won’t adjust very well. I’ll get left behind. The pain will be too great. I’m not saying these fears are not legitimate. A woman who has breast cancer has to face many changes that will come. A 50-year-old man is made redundant. He doesn’t know what to do about employment. These are real fears.

If we accept that change is a natural part of life, we can more easily learn the things we need to do to cope with it. But God reminds us that He has our steps prepared. He promises never to fail or forsake us, and I think he helps us see change in its proper perspective. Solomon, in the Old Testament, said there was a time for everything under the sun and all things that he mentions in an enthusiastic chapter. Three have to do with change things like birth, death, beginnings and endings, war, peace, searching, giving up, building and tearing down these things are part of change. I think change is less unsettling when we can see the big picture, and not just the small universe of our own lives. God has promised to lead us in the right way so we can learn to trust him. We can entrust him with the changes that we face each day.

Our loving Father knows all about those changes, but what I’m saying today is that there doesn’t only have to be fear and stress for the Christian. There is the avenue of prayer that brings us into the presence and protection of Almighty God.

In Hebrews 13 in the New Testament, the writer expresses his utmost trust in God in the face of all circumstances. When he writes, “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have because he has said, I will never leave you. I will always be by your side.” Because of this promise, we may boldly say the Lord is my help. I won’t be afraid of anything. How can anyone harm me?” That’s Hebrews 13:5-6.

Yes, change is threatening, frightening, difficult, but it’s not impossible, and nor does it have to be the cause of a negative experience. God assures us that he will always be with us to provide watching over us. And while everything around me seems to be constantly changing, then I can see more clearly the unchanging nature of God’s love and care. For me that remains solid as a rock. The Bible tells us that God never changes. Malachi 3:6 – “for I The Lord do not change. Therefore you a Children of Jacob are not consumed.” So there’s no transition or change in this God. Yesterday, today and forever He is the God who is gracious and merciful. The Bible says, “slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. The Lord is good to all, and his mercy is overall that he’s made.” Psalm 145. Things will continue to change. Nothing surer. Some of those changes will feel like a tiny ripple. Others will be like a 10 ft wave. But no matter what changes we face, we need not fear. We needn’t hide. We shouldn’t despair, our rock and anchor is our unchanging God, whose character and promise remain fixed forever.

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Let’s Pray

Heavenly Father, we do admit it is a world that’s changing. But with you, Lord, we can cope with change for you our steadfast, loyal and as solid as a rock. Thank you for that assurance today, amen.