Start the Day Well - Hope 103.2

Start the Day Well

Read Psalm 5:3 3            In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice;                  in the morning I lay my requests before you                  and wait expectantly. (NIV) The experts tell us that breakfast is the most […]

By David ReayTuesday 26 Feb 2019LifeWords DevotionalsFaithReading Time: 2 minutes

Read Psalm 5:3

3            In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice;
                 in the morning I lay my requests before you
                 and wait expectantly. (NIV)

The experts tell us that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gets our bodies off to a good start. So rushing or missing breakfast will mean the rest of the day is compromised. How we start a day helps determine how we live the rest of the day.

Those who want to follow Jesus each day are well advised to begin the day in prayer. When we wake, many hopes and fears and thoughts and desires come to mind. What will the day bring? We know something of what will happen, but we can’t confidently predict every detail.

And so it is good to lay it all before God at the beginning of the day. Not telling him what he must do, not demanding he fit in with our plans. Rather sharing with him what plans we have, what desires we have, what concerns we have. Then walking into the day having committed that day to him, aware he is watching over us, sometimes altering our plans, sometimes fulfilling them.

For sure our prayers do not inform God of anything he doesn’t already know. But in praying like this, we remind ourselves that we don’t live this day alone, nor live it independently of our heavenly Father. And we live this day watching to see how God will answer those morning prayers. We do not leave him behind but are conscious of his ongoing presence.

Such morning prayer is our way of telling God this is his day and we are his people.

David Reay