By David ReayMonday 30 Sep 2019LifeWords DevotionalsFaithReading Time: 1 minute
You can go to bed without fear;
you will lie down and sleep soundly. (NLT)
Sleep is a sort of enforced inactivity. It is a surrender; a laying down of arms. For a time, the world will get by without you—and probably get by very well! The nearest parallel to it is going under anaesthetic prior to a medical procedure. You are out of action. You trust that others will do the right thing by you whilst you are helpless to help yourself.
We may have trouble sleeping for many reasons. But one clear reason is to do with our inability to surrender, our fear that without our intervention circumstances will spiral out of control. Those unknown tomorrows creep into our minds and those restless minds keep our weary bodies awake. Sleep challenges our need to be in control.
When I sleep, I forgo control. I admit my limitations. I allow the world to carry on without my nervous watchfulness. Just as the world carried on before you or I came on the scene.
Sleep is a rehearsal for the final surrender. Each of us, one day, will fall asleep for the last time. And for those whose trust is in the mercies of Jesus, there will be an awakening into a new world, the new heavens and earth. The healing of our bodies and minds and emotions will have been completed. We will have been made whole.