People Power! Activism and Protest - Episode 5 - Hope 103.2

People Power! Activism and Protest – Episode 5

In this episode of ‘How in God’s Name Should I Vote?’ we’ll be hearing some a number of inspiring people who have worked with, and against, politicians to see significant change for the good. They’ll challenge us to stay involved in the governance of our nation, even after the polling booths close!

By Hope 103.2Thursday 9 May 2019How in God's Name Should I Vote?FaithReading Time: 1 minute

Soon, this election will be done and dusted.  The votes will be counted, the winners will celebrate, the losers will commiserate and we’ll all go back to our normal lives.  But is there a way to stay involved in the political process, once the election is over?

In this episode of ‘How in God’s Name Should I Vote?’ we’ll be hearing some a number of inspiring people who have worked with, and against, politicians to see significant change for the good. They’ll challenge us to stay involved in the governance of our nation, even after the polling booths close! Our Guests in this episode include;

  • Carolyn Kitto will tell us about her work to reduce modern slavery
  • Melinda Tankard Reist will share ways she’s worked to protect young women from sexualisation
  • Vikki Howorth will encourage us with her story of lobbying for greater justice!
  • Mike Frost shares his thoughts on nonviolent direct action
  • Jim Wallis says sometimes we need to protest, sometimes advocate and other times lobby
  • Jo Knight encourages us to begin by tipping our toes into advocacy with simple actions
  • Brad Chilcott calls Christians to be inclusive when engaging

Today’s episode show s us that being an engaged citizen doesn’t end after we’ve ticked or numbered the boxes and wolfed down a sausage sanger. Good political engagement is ongoing. It takes time, energy and thought.