LifeWords Q&A – Spiritual Gifts, Raising Children The Right Way and Is Gambling Wrong? - Hope 103.2

LifeWords Q&A – Spiritual Gifts, Raising Children The Right Way and Is Gambling Wrong?

Is any sort of gambling wrong? This is one of the questions being discussed on this episode of LifeWords Q&A with David Reay. Also on the show discovering your spiritual gifts and if we raise our children the right way does that guarantee they’ll stay on track? 

By Andrew MorrisWednesday 19 Dec 2018LifeWords Q&A with David ReayFaithReading Time: 1 minute

Is any sort of gambling wrong? This is one of the questions being discussed on this episode of LifeWords Q&A with David Reay. Also on the show discovering your spiritual gifts and if we raise our children the right way does that guarantee they’ll stay on track?