Living in the present - Hope 103.2

Living in the present

By David ReayWednesday 18 May 2016LifeWords DevotionalsFaithReading Time: 0 minutes


Read Psalm 118:24

24         This is the day the Lord has made.
                 We will rejoice and be glad in it. (NLT)

Some people live in the past. They become overwhelmed by nostalgia, or perhaps by regrets. The past can haunt us, casting a long shadow over us. The writer of Ecclesiastes is given to much regret about the apparent futility of his past.

Then again, others are overly concerned about the future. The real or imagined threats loom large in their life. Little wonder Jesus tells us to live one day at a time. The possibilities of the future can cause us to empty the present of its enjoyment.

We are called upon to live in the present, because it is only in this present moment that we encounter and experience God. The past has passed. We cannot actually undo it. We may learn from it or apologise for it, but we can’t enter into it again. And the future does not as yet exist. We may plan for it and reflect on it, but it has no reality.

Regrets for the past, fears for the future, obscure our relationship with God in the present, which is the only objective reality we face. It is this day, this moment, that ultimately matters. It is this day which is a gift from God. We have never had it before, and will never have it again. We are to make the most of it.

David Reay