LifeWords Q&A - Episode 52 - Hope 103.2

LifeWords Q&A – Episode 52

LifeWords Q&A with David Reay discusses issues of life and faith. Each week we tackle your questions. This week: the virgin birth, who is to blame for Jesus' death and debt.

By David ReayWednesday 23 Mar 2016LifeWords Q&A with David ReayFaithReading Time: 1 minute

LifeWords Q&A with David Reay discusses issues of life and faith. Each week we tackle your questions. This week:

  1. How important is it for Christians to believe in the virgin birth?
  2. Who was to blame for Jesus’ crucifixion? The Jews or the Romans?
  3. Is it wrong for a Christian or a church, to go into debt?