It makes sense - Hope 103.2

It makes sense

By David ReayThursday 1 Dec 2016LifeWords DevotionalsFaithReading Time: 0 minutes


Read John 8:12

12 Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.” (NLT)

Some of us are Christians because of some specific experience that led to a turning from darkness to light. We may have been in the pits and God revealed himself to us in an unmistakeable way which resulted in a fairly dramatic change of life. As a result, things started falling into place and our new-found faith was seen to make sense.

Others of us started from the other end. We looked at ourselves and the world we live in. We then look at the Christian faith and saw that it made sense of ourselves and of the world. And so we committed ourselves to it. While that may sound formal and intellectual, it does involve emotions (just as the other approach engages the intellect at some point).

C.S. Lewis once said that he believed in Christianity as he believed the sun has risen. Not just because he could see it, but by it he could see everything else. For some of us, Christianity best interprets what is good and not-so-good in ourselves and in our world. It offers blunt description of our predicament and helpful remedy for it. Our faith neither pushes us down in the dirt nor resorts to false optimism about how great we are.

This doesn’t mean our faith is free of mystery or complexity. We can’t understand everything. But still some of us are Christians basically because it makes most sense of reality.

David Reay