To sing a new song - Hope 103.2

To sing a new song

By David ReayThursday 1 Jan 2015LifeWords DevotionalsFaithReading Time: 0 minutes


Read Psalm 96:1

1           Sing a new song to the LORD!
                Let the whole earth sing to the LORD! (NLT)

The first thing to say about this text is that it is not about urging church musicians to update their repertoire! That may or may not be a good thing,but whether we sing old hymns or new choruses is not the issue here.

The psalmist is urging us to keep fresh in our expression of devotion to God. In the light of all he has done for us,let’s respond to him in creative and new ways. Let’s not be content with the old way of doing things,let’s not assume that our life in God will remain the same. We are to be open to God doing new things in us and through us. This gives rise to a ‘new song’,which may or may not involve music or literal singing.

The Christian faith is like a vast and deep ocean. Paddling on the edges might give us a taste of it,but there is surely more to be had by plunging in the depths. And in those depths,new insights,new experiences,new encounters can be had.

Our lives are in a metaphorical sense a succession of songs. They comprise our response to the living God. What new song shall I sing?

David Reay