LifeWords Q and A - Episode 49 - Hope 103.2

LifeWords Q and A – Episode 49

LifeWords Q and A with David Reay explores questions about faith, the Bible and how we live the Christian life. Today three questions: Among the gifts of the Spirit are things called words of knowledge and words of wisdom. What are these? My church insists on me joining a small group as a condition of […]

By David ReayWednesday 16 Dec 2015LifeWords Q&A with David ReayFaithReading Time: 1 minute

LifeWords Q and A with David Reay explores questions about faith, the Bible and how we live the Christian life. Today three questions:

  1. Among the gifts of the Spirit are things called words of knowledge and words of wisdom. What are these?
  2. My church insists on me joining a small group as a condition of membership. Is this asking too much of me and is it being legalistic?
  3. I have heard the phrase “love the sinner but hate the sin”. I have also heard that this is not a biblical idea. What do you think?