Good news, bad news - Hope 103.2

Good news, bad news

By David ReayThursday 19 Mar 2015LifeWords DevotionalsFaithReading Time: 0 minutes


Read Romans 12:15

15 Share the happiness of those who are happy,the sorrow of those who are sad. (JBP)

Many of us have had the experience of hearing of the wonderful answers to prayer given to God’s people. It may be via a public church testimony or in private conversation. And one part of us smiles and even applauds while another part of us is downcast.

How wonderful that your son got the job he desired; what about my son who keeps missing out? Great to hear your cancer has gone; mine stubbornly returns. Terrific to know that your wayward grandchild has come back to God; pity it hasn’t happened to my grandchild.

And what makes it more painful is that those testifying to the good news may well add that all this is an encouraging answer to prayer. To which you might reply,”Well,I pray too and my prayers aren’t being answered in the same way.”

What to do? We certainly don’t want to discourage people from sharing good news. After all,their good news can offer some hope to those deprived of good news. And we dare not stop people from celebrating success even when others aren’t tasting it.

Those on the ‘sharing the good news side’ need to share with humility and not suggest it is simply about praying more or harder. It isn’t as easy as that. Those on the ‘it hasn’t happened with me’ side need to truly rejoice with the other people and not be captive to their own circumstances.

In the middle of the good and not-so-good news,what ultimately matters is that God hasn’t abandoned us. And that is really good news.

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David Reay