By David ReayFriday 12 Jun 2015LifeWords DevotionalsFaithReading Time: 0 minutes
Read Psalm 26:2
2 Put me on trial,Lord,and cross-examine me.
Test my motives and my heart. (NLT)
I am very willing to call on God for help. I regularly ask him for strength. I eagerly seek his blessing. Nothing wrong with any of that,but there is another thing I am not always enthusiastic about doing. That is to ask God to change me. I want God to comfort me and give me the energy to promote my own agenda. I may not so much want God to tell me his agenda.
It is a mistake to assume conversion is merely an event: getting prayer at a Christian meeting,finally seeing the sense of the Bible,making some heroic gesture of faith in the midst of overwhelming difficulties. Conversion is not only an event but a process. We may become Christians just once,but we need to go on being Christians. And that means ongoing conversion to God’s way of thinking and acting.
Do we dare to utter the psalmist’s words for ourselves? To let God sort us out and convert us again and again to his ways? It is one thing to ask him for encouragement to be our best selves. It is another to invite him to reveal to us just what our best self might be.
David Reay