Jesus before Bethlehem - Hope 103.2

Jesus before Bethlehem

By David ReayMonday 28 Jul 2014LifeWords DevotionalsCultureReading Time: 0 minutes


Read John 1:1-3

1-3 At the beginning God expressed himself. That personal expression,that word,was with God,and was God,and he existed with God from the beginning. All creation took place through him,and none took place without him. (JBP)

We can sometimes mistakenly assume the beginning of the story of Jesus occurs at Bethlehem. Whereas this was the beginning of his human existence,his incarnation. Before that,he was eternally with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

John reminds us that Jesus is not just the human expression of God,but the expression of God when the world was made. Jesus was the instrument God used to make the world. He was neither a passive bystander at creation nor someone who just sprung into being at the first Christmas.

So when Jesus came into the world as a human being,it is not surprising that he exercises mastery over creation,giving us a hint that one day this disordered creation will be renewed and become what it was created by him to be.

Jesus is not only active in redemption or salvation,but in creation. Which makes sense. Redemption and salvation are one aspect of God’s creative and re-creative power. So Jesus permeates the entire story of the universe. He was there at the beginning as the agent of creation; he came to earth for a brief time to reveal God more fully to us and do what had to be done to get us back on track with God; and he will go on into eternity as our rightful ruler.

There is a lot more to Jesus than just what we read in the Gospels.

David Reay

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