Blessed brokenness - Hope 103.2

Blessed brokenness

By David ReayFriday 13 Jun 2014LifeWords DevotionalsCultureReading Time: 0 minutes


Read Psalm 51:17

My sacrifice,O God,is a broken spirit;
    a broken and contrite heart
    you,God,will not despise. (NIV)

We can deal with our brokenness in two unhelpful ways. One is to pretend it doesn’t exist. We bury it deep down out of shame or fear. Who knows how many ministries and lives have been distorted or destroyed by such pretence. What we do on the outside reflects unhealed wounds and dark fears that drive our actions and words. Our lives are given over to denying our brokenness: ironically we become even more broken.

Or we can deal with our brokenness by being overwhelmed by it. Far from denying it,we bring it to centre stage and let it become the dominant theme in our lives. We therefore run a mile from God and even from others. Who would want anything to do with such a pathetically broken person?

Our Psalm reminds us that we have no need to push it away and no need to be crushed by it. We bring it to God and let him get to work on it. He knows all about it and yet does not despise us because of it. Let these words of Teresa of Avila be our own words: “Let me not be afraid to linger here in your presence with all my humanity exposed. For you are my God and not surprised by my frailties and my continuous failures.”

David Reay