By Hope 103.2Monday 20 Feb 2023Everyday God ConversationsPodcastsReading Time: 2 minutes
Already contributing to our Real Hope devotional podcast, Reverend Dr Tania Harris brings her global God Conversations ministry to Hope 103.2 this month.
Introducing Everyday God Conversations, Tania explores what the Spirit is saying to us.
The God of the Bible is a talking God. All throughout the Scriptures, God is seen talking to people. First to the prophets, then most fully in Jesus and today through his Holy Spirit. When we choose to follow Jesus, the Spirit speaks to remind us of all that Jesus established and apply it to our lives.
So how does the Spirit speak?
How do we know it’s God?
And what happens afterwards?
Listen to the first episode of our new weekly podcast Everyday God Conversations and be encouraged to reflect on the God-conversations of Scripture, the ultimate God-conversation in Jesus and to hear from the Holy Spirit yourself.
About Tania Harris
Tania (PhD.Cand, MA.Min, B.Ed, Dip.T, Cert IV TAA) is a pastor, speaker, author and founder of God Conversations, a global ministry equipping people to recognise and respond to God’s voice. With her church planting background, Tania ministers across the globe and is a popular voice on radio in Australia, New Zealand and the UK.
More from Tania Harris
- Our Knowable God and The Unknowable Gods of Ancient Times
- Both Met Their Future Spouses In a Dream. One Got Married, One Didn’t…
- Why Do Christians Act So Un-Christian?
- God “Told” Him to Quit his Job and He went Bankrupt: Why You Need the Church to Hear God’s Voice
- If God Said It, Will It Always Happen?