Societies Fall Apart When We Don't Create Mindfully - Hope 103.2

Societies Fall Apart When We Don’t Create Mindfully

Sho Baraka, is an American Christian hip-hop artist and writer, and in the latest episode of UNDISTRACTED he explores the intersection of faith, creativity, and justice – as told in his book 'He Saw That it Was Good'.

By Laura BennettThursday 26 Aug 2021UNDISTRACTEDPodcastsReading Time: 1 minute

The level of dis-ease we feel around us at times is overwhelming. When you consider the pressures we’ve felt across the globe in the last two years alone, the political, social and spiritual unrest can feel incurable.

What could remedy some of the worlds ails though, is conscious creativity: mindfully using our skillsets and vocational pursuits to change the cultural tide, instead of just ride it.

Sho Baraka, is an American Christian hip-hop artist and writer, and in the latest episode of UNDISTRACTED he explores the intersection of faith, creativity, and justice – as told in his book He Saw That it Was Good.

“All people are creating and cultivating something, and in some ways you’re trying to creating a better world for people,” ” Sho told Hope 103.2.

“If you’re not constantly thinking about that, then oftentimes what happens is, you create an apathy. And that’s how societies fall apart, because people aren’t mindfully thinking about what they’re doing.”

In this episode, Sho also considers the impact of race on our understanding of theology, how storytelling shapes history and what it would take for humanity to truly be good.

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Listen to Sho Baraka’s full UNDISTRACTED episode in the player above.

Image: Sho Baraka via Humble Beast