Tom Hanks and Emma Watson's 'The Circle' — 60 Second Movie Review - Hope 103.2

Tom Hanks and Emma Watson’s ‘The Circle’ — 60 Second Movie Review

The Circle is an eerie look at the future, as Mae Holland (Emma Watson) snares a coveted job at the world’s most advanced tech co. Think Google on steroids.

By Mark HadleyThursday 13 Jul 2017The Big PictureMoviesReading Time: 1 minute

The Circle stars Emma Watson as Mae Holland, an average college graduate who snares a coveted position at the world’s most advanced technology company. Think Google on steroids. There she meets her new boss, played by Tom Hanks, who convinces her the only way to let our ‘best selves’ emerge is to become 100% accountable – every, single, minute of the day. But is this new social network the saviour of humanity or its greatest threat?

RATED: The Circle is rated M for Mature themes and coarse language

AUDIENCE: Techno-thriller fans and Tom Hanks / Emma Watson groupies

WHAT’S GOOD: The Circle fits well into our current world, challenging us to ask the questions, ‘When does sharing become too much?’, ‘What do we really have a right to know?’ and ‘Is there such a thing as too much information?’

WHAT’S NOT: There is a certain amount of Internet phobia going on here, and sometimes Emma Watson’s realisations and convictions just seem a tad unbelievable.

SPIRITUALLY SPEAKING: Spiritually, The Circle does raise the idea that people would be better if they knew the world was watching. But God’s been doing that since the beginning, and we still sin… Because even when we know, it’s wrong, we can’t make ourselves better.


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