The Big Picture: Episode 75 - Hope 103.2

The Big Picture: Episode 75

It’s the big daddy show of the year – our Happy Father’s Day special. Viggo Mortensen rejects society as a hyper homeschooling dad in Captain Fantastic. Special guest Julie McEwan joins the team to discuss the Christian perspective of home schooling. Mel Gibson returns to the screen as Link, a recovering alcoholic in Blood Father. Mark and Ben take a look at the appeal of Stranger Things the eighties Netflix sensation and Ben announces his Top 5 Movie Dads He Wishes Were His Dad – with no actual disrespect meant to his own dad.

By Hope 103.2Sunday 4 Sep 2016The Big PictureMoviesReading Time: 1 minute

It’s the big daddy show of the year – our Happy Father’s Day special. Viggo Mortensen rejects society as a hyper homeschooling dad in Captain Fantastic. Special guest Julie McEwan joins the team to discuss the Christian perspective of home schooling. Mel Gibson returns to the screen as Link, a recovering alcoholic in Blood Father. Mark and Ben take a look at the appeal of Stranger Things the eighties Netflix sensation and Ben announces his Top 5 Movie Dads He Wishes Were His Dad – with no actual disrespect meant to his own dad.