The Big Picture: Episode 58 - Hope 103.2

The Big Picture: Episode 58

This week on The Big Picture maddening and must-play computer games! Just when you thought Bad Neighbours was bad enough, Ben brings us Bad Neighbours 2 and questions good and bad choices in parenting.

By Hope 103.2Sunday 8 May 2016The Big PictureMoviesReading Time: 1 minute

This week on The Big Picture maddening and must-play computer games! Just when you thought Bad Neighbours was bad enough, Ben brings us Bad Neighbours 2 and questions good and bad choices in parenting.

Mark reviews Captain America: Civil War, the next installment in the limitless Marvellian Universe.

Special guest, New York Times best selling author and host of his own nationally syndicated radio program Eric Metaxas joins the team for Press Record. Greg Clarke brings us what the Bible has to say about being a mum and Ben talks to his mum about her Top 5 movies of all time.