The Big Picture: Episode 22: Mind your manners Mr. Bond - Hope 103.2

The Big Picture: Episode 22: Mind your manners Mr. Bond

The Big Picture takes a double foray into the world of P’s and Q’s and international espionage as the ABC series How Not To Behave and Mission Impossible 5: Rogue Nation rush to our screens. What are your most outrageous spy stunts of all time? Ben shares his - and adds to our examination of manners with his insights on the dare-dating Man Up. Meanwhile regular Greg Clarke asks if the Bible has anything to say on the subject, and special guest Russell Matthews shares what movies taught him about getting on in life. All this time Mark is lost in his own little world, asking what are the most romantic dance moments Hollywood has ever produced?

By Hope 103.2Monday 27 Jul 2015The Big PictureMoviesReading Time: 1 minute

The Big Picture takes a double foray into the world of P’s and Q’s and international espionage as the ABC series How Not To Behave and Mission Impossible 5: Rogue Nation rush to our screens.

What are your most outrageous spy stunts of all time? Ben shares his – and adds to our examination of manners with his insights on the dare-dating Man Up.

Meanwhile regular Greg Clarke asks if the Bible has anything to say on the subject, and special guest Russell Matthews shares what movies taught him about getting on in life. All this time Mark is lost in his own little world, asking what are the most romantic dance moments Hollywood has ever produced?