Jon Casimir: The Gruen Transfer

Jon Casimir: The Gruen Transfer

Marshall McLuhan called advertising the greatest artform of the twentieth century. George Orwell described it as ‘the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket’. According to one adman, writing ads is the second most profitable form of writing. The first being ransom notes. Compare it to art, swill or extortion, advertising is everywhere and […]

By Sheridan VoyseyThursday 16 Dec 2010Guests and ArtistsReading Time: 1 minute

Marshall McLuhan called advertising the greatest artform of the twentieth century. George Orwell described it as ‘the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket’. According to one adman, writing ads is the second most profitable form of writing. The first being ransom notes. Compare it to art, swill or extortion, advertising is everywhere and effects us more than we care to admit. And the man who’s most helped us realise that lately is Jon Casimir.

With Andrew Denton, Jon created a little ABC TV show called The Gruen Transfer. A book deal has followed and who knows what tricks he might play on us tonight to get us to buy it.

Listen Now – Writer and co-creator of The Gruen Transfer, Jon Casimir, reveals the lengths advertising companies will go to in order to make us buy their products