A List of Names You'll Never Find on a Mug – But Are Found Throughout Hopeland - Hope 103.2

A List of Names You’ll Never Find on a Mug – But Are Found Throughout Hopeland

Hope Breakfast's Georgia Free presents the Top 38 Rarest Names (That You Most Likely Will Never Find on a Mug), shared by listeners.

Listen: Georgia celebrates the unusual names of our Hope Breakfast listeners – with them, of course

By Georgia FreeFriday 21 May 2021Hope BreakfastEntertainmentReading Time: 1 minute

In my house, we have a ritual. Each year, when the Top 100 Baby Names are released, we try to find our names on the list.

However, after perusing the Top 100 Australian Baby Names for 2020, I came to the realisation that some names will never be on that list and, therefore, will never be found on a mug!

Obviously, this had to be rectified, through a jolly celebration of the rare names found within the Hopeland community. 

So, I present to you Hope Breakfast’s Top 38 Rarest Names (That You Most Likely Will Never Find on a Mug):

  1. Gift (yes, like the present)
  2. Guada (pronunced: gwaa-da
  3. Solange
  4. Neo 
  5. Kaiya 
  6. Kareena
  7. Kathrine
  8. Efstratia 
  9. Gregora
  10. Kian (pronounced kee-un)
  11. Kyro (pronounced: Cairo, like the city)
  12. Niva 
  13. Jordelle
  14. Leith
  15. Tandia
  16. Gideon 
  17. Lawrence 
  18. Indi
  19. Tralee
  20. Michela (pronouced: me-ke-lu
  21. Alexia 
  22. Gabriela 
  23. Shanyni 
  24. Kendal 
  25. Zelda
  26. Kaleb
  27. Shari
  28. Jemima
  29. Lecia
  30. Fortunata
  31. Leisel 
  32. Heidi
  33. Katelyn 
  34. Tsalta 
  35. Wilfrid 
  36. Krishant 
  37. Huguette 
  38. Sharlene

Listen to the celebration in the player above.