By Hope 103.2Thursday 19 Mar 2020CultureReading Time: 2 minutes
The global pandemic, coronavirus (COVID-19), probably wasn’t something you had on your list of ‘what to cover off with your young children’ in 2020 — but never fear, there are many resources emerging to help you have the tough family conversations.
Jump to:
- ? Article: Psychologist and qualified teacher Collett Smart — ‘7 Ways to Manage Your Children’s and Teens’ Fears’
- ? Audio: Dr Justin Coulson — Having the coronavirus conversations with your family
- ? Video: Woman and child give demonstration on how important it is to wash your hands
- ? Video: BBC Operation Ouch’s Dr Chris and Dr Xand explain coronavirus to kids
- ? Article: PBS Kids for Parents — ‘How to Talk to Your Kids About Coronavirus’
Kids Anxious About Coronavirus? Here’s 7 Ways to Manage Your Children’s and Teens’ Fears
By Collett Smart | Parenting
We know that we can’t shield our children, tweens and teens, because they will hear about it anyway, from peers, siblings and online. But how much is too much information? And what is age appropriate? How do we help our children, tweens and teens manage their anxiety about COVID-19? READ MORE
Dr Justin Coulson from Happy Families
Chatting on Mornings with Katrina Roe, Justin covers:
- Helping kids deal with the disappointment of cancellations — birthday parties, play dates and more
- Talking through the decisions you’ll have to make as a family
- Talking through family values and how to act in a crisis
Listen: Justin Coulson on having the coronavirus conversations with your family
Dr Justin Coulson is from Happy Families. He is a sought-after public speaker and author, and former radio broadcaster. Justin has a psychology degree from the University of Queensland and a PhD in psychology from the University of Wollongong.
Demonstration of how important it is to wash your hands
This one is in Spanish but a great visualisation:
BBC Operation Ouch’s Dr Chris and Dr Xand explaining coronavirus
WATCH: Dr Chris and Dr Xand from Operation Ouch — click on image
PBS Kids for Parents on ‘How to Talk to Your Kids About Coronavirus’
? READ: Four tips to help your children understand what is going on and how they can be part of keeping themselves and others safe.
Back to Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information, Resources and Encouragement