By Chris WittsSunday 23 Nov 2014Morning Devotions with Chris WittsCultureReading Time: 0 minutes
Have you spoken to God about your feelings of loneliness? Maybe you need to change the way you think ..Many are lonely because they refuse to change their thinking about aloneness. They’re like the little boy who was afraid of going to bed in the dark. His father said to him,”Son,you don’t have to be afraid. Jesus is with you.” And the boy replied,”I know,Dad,but I want someone with skin on.” That’s when we need to make the effort to connect with others,and be friendly – reach out. God will do His part in leading us to good people who will interact with us,and take the journey with us. At some point,all of us have probably dealt with feelings of isolation. But it’s especially difficult when we’re going through a trying situation and there is no one to help or encourage us.
What we want at that moment is companionship,support,and comfort so that our emotional pain will go away. But sometimes the situation persists,and the isolation seems as if it will go on forever. At times like this,we need courage to endure. God helps us in our loneliness. Psalm 31:14,14 “I trust you,Lord,and I claim you as my God. My life is in your hands”.
Did you know that God can use your loneliness to achieve His purposes in your life? Sometimes He allows such situations because they are prime opportunities to develop godly character within us,train us to depend on Him,and bring us into a closer relationship with Him. When we’re all alone and others are unable or unwilling to help,He is the One who never leaves us.
The Apostle Paul knew the pain of loneliness. After many years of faithful service to the Lord he found himself in a cold,dank Roman prison. His last letter to Timothy gives us a glimpse of his conditions,priorities,and attitude during the final days of his earthly life. Although he had continually given himself in service to others,at the end of his life,Paul was lonely; only Luke was with him (2 Tim. 4:9-16). Demas,one of his former companions,had deserted him,and other coworkers had moved on to various places. And sadly,at his first defense before the Roman court,Paul says,”No one supported me,but all deserted me” (v. 16).. Paul was a flesh-and-blood person with all the weaknesses of humanity. He struggled with feelings,frustrations,and difficulties,just as you and I do. Put yourself in his place,and feel the discomfort and isolation of his last days. He missed the company of those he loved and felt the pain of being deserted by Demas. The constraints and discomforts of prison life added to his sense of isolation. He was no longer free to do what he loved most-to travel the world,spreading the gospel,starting churches,and discipling believers. And with each passing day,he knew his death was imminent.
When he was called before the Roman authorities to make his defense,no one supported him. Yet he tells us that he was not alone. The Lord stood with him and strengthened him so that he could fully accomplish God’s purposes (v. 17).
Though the Romans ruled the world,the Ruler of the universe was standing beside Paul. When he faced the court,I am sure his courage grew as his thoughts raced to past situations when the Lord had been with him in danger and difficulty.
Even though our personal experiences with God are invaluable,our greatest source of assurance is the Bible. Throughout its pages,the Lord tells His people that He is with them The reality of God’s constant presence with us is a fact,but we are not always aware of Him,especially in lonely periods. Haven’t you sometimes wondered,If He’s with me,why can’t I sense Him? Why do I feel so alone? When His presence is undetectable,our courage to face isolation and difficulty weakens. At times like this,we need to depend on fact,not feelings. Rely on the truth that He will never leave or forsake those who have been saved (Heb. 13:5).