By Sheridan VoyseyMonday 16 Aug 2010CultureReading Time: 1 minute
With that Federal Election drawing near, with lots of spin, promises and political manoeuvring happening each and every day, it’s easy to either 1) get carried away with the hype around one candidate or issue, or 2) get confused. How can we clear the decks and think straight? And what might a biblically-informed approach to politics look like and bring to the moment?
Ron Sider is the founder of Evangelicals for Social Action, a think-tank focussed on biblical solutions to social and economic problems. He’s also Professor of Theology, Holistic Ministry and Public Policy at Palmer Theological Seminary Pennsylvania, and author of a number of books, the most well-known being Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger.
Listen Now – Ron Sider provides a biblically informed approach to politics
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