Thursday 28 Feb 2019 · Faith
In the story of Gideon, we see a God who knows our struggle with doubt and even anticipates our questions. How do we know a message is from God?
Friday 18 Jan 2019 · Christian Living
If we can all hear God’s voice for ourselves, do we still need to go to church?
Sunday 22 Apr 2018 · Faith
Although history has not always shown it, Jesus, Paul and the author of Genesis were all Christian feminists - advocating the full equality of women and men.
Tuesday 10 Apr 2018 · Christian Living
What to do when we’re praying for answers and there’s no response from the heavens? Here are three possible reasons for God’s silence - and ideas on what to do about it.
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Wednesday 28 Mar 2018 · Christian Living
Why is it that something as good as a Magnum ice-cream is associated with sin? Why is it that pleasure is often associated with evil?
Tuesday 13 Mar 2018 · Christian Living
How do we know God's will? Making decisions as a Christian is a partnership between God and ourselves. Sometimes it's supernatural and sometimes it's natural.
Tuesday 13 Feb 2018 · Faith
What can we learn about our relationship with God when we think of romance, and the "bride and groom" metaphor described in the Bible?
Friday 5 Jan 2018 · Christian Living
God has a dream for each one of us, not a product of wishful thinking or misplaced illusions, but one that will match who we are and how we’re made.
Friday 15 Dec 2017 · Relationships
I’ve sat through hundreds of sermons on marriage, but not one on singleness. Learn how to flourish as a single in a world that favours marriage.
Sunday 8 Oct 2017 · Faith
A good friend of mine regularly talks about what the universe is telling her. She sees cues in her circumstances and interactions that work together to point her in the right direction.
Monday 17 Jul 2017 · Faith
One of the reasons we struggle to hear God speak is that we don’t recognise it when he does. Here are 3 of the most common ways that God speaks to us.
Sunday 25 Jun 2017 · Christian Living
While gender stereotypes may have their use, they can also be damaging, keep us in a box and stop us from reaching our full potential, writes Tania Harris.