Tuesday 29 Dec 2020 · Lifestyle
For me, recovering from rejection is a moment-by-moment decision to retrain my thoughts from feeling worthless to worthy.
Wednesday 29 Jul 2020 · Relationships
Not every person facing divorce is the same, but I believe there are 10 universal needs that most who are divorcing share.
Monday 13 Jul 2020 · Lifestyle
I would never attempt to have coffee with hundreds of people every day and listen to all their opinions about the world. So why on social media?
Thursday 9 Jul 2020 · Parenting
Take a deep breath and quit comparing...even to your own expectations! You don’t have to be flawless to be the mum that your children need.
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Thursday 6 Feb 2020 · Lifestyle
As I write this, I’m sitting in a coffee shop, alone. I’m staring down age 40, but I’m kind of looking forward to it. There’s a lot i’ve learned with age.
Wednesday 27 Mar 2019 · Faith
"My assumed belief is that, at some point, people always get tired of me... I’ve realised lately I assume the same of God."
Thursday 21 Feb 2019 · Lifestyle
I decided that I would stay off Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for a month - and it was glorious!
Monday 16 Apr 2018 · Faith
The words that stopped me cold weren’t shouted or even spoken angrily. They were gentle, coming through the speakers of my laptop. One sentence, spoken sweetly, that gave me chills.
Thursday 29 Mar 2018 · Life
In a world where anyone with a phone is a news source and where everyone with social media can become a pseudo-celebrity, what was once sacred is now snapped instead.
Thursday 15 Mar 2018 · Parenting
My life doesn’t look like most of my friends’ lives. I am different from most of the other mums in my circle. And different is hard.
Thursday 1 Mar 2018 · News
It is not enough for us as believers to simply say, as the wide-sweeping solution to this tragedy and those of its kind, “This world just needs Jesus."
Tuesday 9 Jan 2018 · Health and Wellbeing
Goodness, I wanted to be like her. But the longer I followed her, the more I began to realise that she was not exactly what she was posting.