St John's Anglican Cathedral Parramatta Archives - Hope 103.2

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St John's Anglican Cathedral Parramatta

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Saturday 23 May 2015 · Trending

How can we know God?

Lots of people think God is too big to know, but we can know God. God talks to us. The question is, what has he told us? Paul Webb begins a new series today looking at the book of Hebrews. The reading for today is Hebrews 1:1-4

Saturday 9 May 2015 · Life

It is God’s Salvation Part 3

Bruce Morrison concludes this series on the great little book of Jonah. God's mercy and salvation are given solely at God's discretion. The bible passage for today is Jonah chapter 4.

Saturday 2 May 2015 · Art & Culture

It is God’s salvation Part 2

Today Bruce Morrison continues with Part 2 in this series from the wonderful little book of Jonah. We see that God saves who he chooses, not who Jonah chooses. Salvation comes from the Lord and no one else. The reading for today is Jonah chapters 2 and 3

Saturday 18 Apr 2015 · Art & Culture

Submission in marriage

Today Paul Webb concludes this series in the book of Colossians. What does the Apostle Paul mean when he says 'Wives submit to your husbands'? The bible reading is Colossians 3:18-4:18

Saturday 11 Apr 2015 · Life

A life changing event

Today Paul Webb continues this sermon series in the book of Colossians. The passage today speaks of a new identity we have in Christ. The reading for today is Colossians 3:1-17

Saturday 28 Mar 2015 · Art & Culture

What does it mean to be ‘spiritual’?

Today Paul Webb continues this series in the book of Colossians. What makes someone like Gandhi or other 'spiritual gurus' stand out from ordinary people? What does it mean to be a 'spiritual person'? The bible reading for today is Colossians 2:6-23

Saturday 21 Mar 2015 · Faith

Suffering for Christ

Today Paul Webb explains to us this perplexing passage. What place does suffering have in the life of a Christian? The reading for today is Colossians 1: 24-2:5

Saturday 14 Mar 2015 · Life

Who do we think Jesus is?

Today Paul Webb brings us part 2 in this new series looking at the book of Colossians. Today we get to the bottom of who Jesus is. You might think this is an easy question to answer, but when we dig deeper we begin to ask is he really at the center of our lives? Do we see Jesus as a lucky charm? Was he just a moral teacher? The bible reading for today is Colossians 1:15-23

Saturday 7 Mar 2015 · Art & Culture

What should we be praying for?

Today Paul Webb begins a new series in the book of Colossians. In this passage we have great insight into the Apostle Paul and what motivated him. You can tell a lot about a persons concerns and priorities from the contents of their prayers. The bible reading for today is Colossians 1:1-14

Saturday 28 Feb 2015 · Art & Culture

Jesus’ Mission

We're continuing through the gospel of Mark. Bruce Morrison takes us through Mark 9:14-29. We see here a miracle that appears to have failed. Did it really fail? What role does Jesus play in this account?

Saturday 21 Feb 2015 · Life

The Ultimate Reality

Today Bruce Morrison takes us through Mark 9:1-13. The world which we can see is not the final reality. The final reality is Jesus Christ enthroned in heaven. What we see is disappearing and we need to die to this world and identify ourselves with the Christ reality.

Saturday 14 Feb 2015 · Sponsored

An Unusual Miracle

In this account from Mark, we find an unusual incident. Jesus asks about the outcome of the miracle he performs. Was he unsure of the result? Normally the miracle happens in an instant. Bruce Morrison opens this passage up for us from Mark 8:14-38.

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